Carol Poole Spirit of 26 Nomination 2023 - Lori Slack
Chinook Winds Chorus is elated to present Lori Slack as our Carol Poole Spirit of 26 nominee.
Lori’s musical journey began many years ago. She completed Grade 9 piano, played in two bands and sang in 3 choirs during high school. She acted in community theatre as a young adult, and then continued playing piano and singing for her own joy and pleasure while working and raising two active, amazing children.
When Lori joined Chinook Winds just over 5 years ago, we already knew she was something special, but we didn’t realize how quickly she would become a deeply integral part of our chorus. Friendly, helpful, intelligent, and generous with her talents and time, Lori has immersed herself in various aspects of chorus life.
She quickly established herself as a dedicated singer, including performing as an exceptional Show Emcee. And when the chorus found ourselves in need of a Baritone Section Leader, Lori took on the challenge - in addition to assisting regularly with the Bass section.
Lori enjoyed a long career as a pharmacist and pharmacy manager within Alberta Health Services. After completing her Doctor of Pharmacy in 2008, she served in senior leadership positions within AHS Pharmacy Services until her retirement in 2020. She considerately shared her previous training and experience with corporate strategic planning when she accepted the Chair position for our Strategic Planning Committee.
She continues to challenge herself as a lifelong learner and has become an active member of the Arrangers Certification Program.
Outside of her musical pursuits, Lori enjoys travel, yoga, weight training, pickle ball, hiking and camping, and especially long daily walks with her very mischievous Golden Retriever.
An embodiment of the spirit of Sweet Adelines, it is our honour and pleasure to count this amazing person, Lori Slack, among our members.