Friday, November 18, 2016 saw CWSC treading the stage and raising the spirits of shoppers and vendors alike at the Spruce Meadows Christmas Market. During the performance, visitors, both young and young at heart, joined the Chorus in a resounding rendition of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and...
moreOn September 10, 2016 our Chorus performed on the Soundtown Calgary stage to the delight of Stephen Avenue Mall visitors.
Members of the Chinook Winds Show Chorus hit the Grandstand on July 13, 2016 during the Calgary Stampede to sell rodeo programs to all those rodeo fans! We even managed to get in a song before we were whisked away to our booths. We want to thank all of our volunteers for their help, as well as...
moreThe Chinook Winds Show Chorus showed their Stampede spirit during their performance on the Windows of the West stage in the Stampede's Western Oasis on Sunday, July 10, 2016. There were definitely toes tapping and lots of hands clapping!
Congratulations to VOX Quartet on receiving the Novice Quartet Award at the Region 26 Competition in Saskatoon! VOX is made up of 3 parts Chinook Winds Show Chorus and 1 part Rhythm of the Rockies.
Congratulations to the Harmonycatz for receiving the Open Division Quartet Award at the Region 26 Competition in Saskatoon! You could say they were "the catz meow" as they were definitely an audience favourite!
Every year we have the opportunity to hire great coaches. Each one brings amazing coaching leassons where even experienced singers can learn how to improve their sound. On Saturday, November 28, 2015, the CWSC had an amazing coaching session with Anne Marteniuk, Master Director of Westcoast...
moreJoin the Chinook Winds Show Chorus and their special guest quartets as they celebrate the magic and joy of the Christmas season barbershop style at their Christmas Family and Friends Night on Tuesday, December 8 at the Scarboro United Church. Doors open at 7 pm...
moreCongratulations to VOX, one of our newest quartets who passed their audition and are now ready and eager to get out there and sing for you! For more information about this quartet visit:
On Friday, November 13, 2015, under the direction of Susan Maclean, the Chinook Winds Show Chorus took the stage at the 2015 Spruce Meadows Christmas Market and brought song and good cheer to the many shoppers. What a great way to start off our Christmas season!
October 27, 2015 was our Holloween Rehearsal with special guest, Coach Erin Howden. We sang, we learned, and we sang some more. What a very rewarding evening! Thanks Erin!
Chinook Winds Show Chorus was well represented at the 2015 Sweet Adelines International Convention in Las Vegas by 15 of our members and what an experience they had! The calibre of performers and performances was amazing. Congratulations to all the choruses and quartets from Region 26, you did...